Welcome to the World of Dharan Alumni.,
Over a period of time, it will be always a happy moment and pleasure in having “Down Memory Lane” of our learning curves and educational practices under one cover. It is the platform to stay connected with old friends and education stalwarts, to embrace the present professional carrier and educational life to next level. It is the gathering of known people from different social work platforms, who will share their experience to explore new horizons.
Dharan Alumni Association is the platform to bridge the present medical trends, tech updates, best medical practices, execution methodologies and recent medical happenings from the past experience students to stay ahead and be interconnected with.
Stay connected with Institute, to enhance and embrace our medical professionals, in all walks of their life.
Objectives of Dharan Alumni
- In connection with Institution.
- Sharing of Knowledge between Alumni’s.
- Up-to-date on Latest Industrial News
- Stay connected with New Laws & Practices.
- To maximize work/job referrals.
- To Engage in Life-long Learning.
- To involve in Annual events & social activities.
- To get connect across countries.
So, your support and togetherness help to voice Dharan module of best ethical practices and value added services at workplace, that distinguish you exclusively in exhibiting unique way of "Dharan" medical practices in the healthcare industry..
So enroll yourself, stay connected with us to enhance and reinforce new trends in health care industry